
Do you have a personal computer (PC), and does it have any complaints or problems? We are here to fix it.
Are you looking to buy one or looking for new IT infrastructure, need an upgrade, let us help you.

What we do

We give life to your old systems, we can carry out upgradation, installation, implementation of new infrastructure. We support all platforms and operating systems. We provide online and onsite service support, installation and upgradation.

Personal Computer

Repairs, installation & upgrade of your PC/Laptop we also carry out chip-level repair. Support for major OS's like Mac OS, Windows, Linux for all platforms.

Server and Networking

Integration, diagnosis, upgradation, support for your network & server in shops, homes, large IT infrastructure with security and updated software. We provide online/remote support also.


We do R&D for different projects as per the client needs. As technology is growing we can provide the latest trending projects, for both commercial, consumer and students.


We provide training for young aspirers who are interested in Electronics, Linux etc. Corporate training is also available by our talented professionals.

Who we are

We are technology aspirer’s whose main focus is to develop an eco-friendly way to merge technology with nature without harming the environment.

Our team does constant research to develop tech and gadgets which can be helpful in areas like aviculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, home automation, office automation, etc.

We provide excellent service for your devices, as we should never think of throwing away faulty or damaged equipment, which will contribute to E-waste more. You can donate it to give life to dying equipment or revive an already dead one. The revived and refurbished machine can help many students.

Get in touch

If you are looking for servicing, installation, upgradation for your personal computers or servers or network, If you need any automation support get in touch with us any time.